First Fridays at Sulfur Studios in Savannah

Every First Friday of the month, the Starland District of Savannah and ArtRise host an "Art March". Included on this march is Sulfur Studios, where Gifted has had a space since the very beginning. Each ArtMarch, one of our Gifted Creatives represents in the studio, meets people, and sells their beautiful artwork! Keep an eye on our Instagram (@giftedcreative) for upcoming details!


Leslie Walsh
Whitney Williams
Inbal Sella
Ellen Manning
Anthony Lombardo
Maryssa Pickett
Kaisha Gwynn
Hannah Legg

Whitney Williams also organized the first gallery show in the 2nd floor annex in May 2016 for the Illustration Senior Show (for graduating SCAD students)!

Images above:
Ellen Manning x3, Kaisha Gwynn x3, Inbal Sella, Anthony Lombardo, Maryssa Pickett, Hannah Legg, Leslie Walsh/Inbal Sella, Whitney Williams, Senior Illustration Show: Leslie, Whitney, Ellen, & Hannah. Leslie, SCAD Professor Julie Lieberman, & Whitney.